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Saturday, April 29, 2006


Last night I played a trio concert with Sylvia and Carl. It actually started at 6:30 PM with a workshop for the residents of Camphill Village - Kimberton Hills. It was my idea to bring together music and art in this workshop. We selected the first movements of the Schubert Trio in B Flat Major, and the Corigliano Sonata for Violin and Piano, respectively; Mimi Coleman, the art therapist the Village had set up three long tables on one side of Rose Hall, and several dozen residents and guests first listened to our music, then on the second reading expressed in pastel the sounds they heard, and the thoughts and images that came out of the mind and soul.

I knew it was going to be challenging, having to deal with a new situation. Due to the right ear condition that developed more than a month ago, I could not hear anything coming from that side. It made it so weird to try to balance and play together in a trio. All the sounds were coming from far on the left side, as I was hearing the other two instruments as they sounds reflected of the left wall. I could barely hear myself.

After the first piece (Schubert) we admired the different shapes and colors, some simple drawings, some flowing, beautiful spring colorations. For the second piece I sat down and drew myself a picture, which someone thought looked like Kandinsky.

The concert went well, but the Schubert is so demanding, there is so much detail and it must be perfect in each breath, bow or chord. What a transparent piece that feels heavy when played. I look forward to next week, when we'll do it four times with a different pianist, Alexandra Costin, friend from Romania.


Anonymous said...

nu cred ca esti sincer, Alexandra Costin canta precum matura in ploaie!

10:25 AM  
RDoc said...

The loss associated with presbycusis is usually greater for high-pitched sounds. Presbycusis isthe type of hearing loss due to the ageing process. Exposure to environmental noise can lead to Noise-induced hearing loss.

9:56 AM  
Ovidiu Marinescu said...

Well, the hearing came back as soon as the ear infection was gone. I did have some hearing tests and they show all normal. Sadly, I was missdiagnosed with an infection when it was a fungus, so, the treatment I had for weeks did not help and I ended up with a perforated ear drum. After taking the right medication all cleared. Seemingly the perforation has closed.

9:34 AM  

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